Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Things Undone: #49 Have bunions removed

I did have my left foot done. I was having a lot of pain in that foot--including pain that was waking me up in the middle of the night, you know, when your bare foot isn't being used at all--and it made sense to get it done.

And it really fucking hurt. Pain like I have never experienced. And I cut off the tip of my finger and went without pain killers for three days. I know pain.

The doctor and I have talked a lot about my right foot. The bunions are actually bigger on that foot, but hurt less. We're going to wait until the pain starts waking me up in the middle of the night like the left foot did.

So even though I didn't have all the bunions removed, which is what I thought I meant by this item, I think I succeeded.

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