Monday, April 28, 2008

#33 No TV

Well, we've done it! This morning I turned on the television to check the weather but only left it on for about 5 minutes. And thus ends an experiment. The only time I missed watching was when I realized this weekend was the NFL draft. I can't believe these two events coincided. I have watched the draft--both days--for years. One year I even recorded all the data, but that was when I had a former student who was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons.

We just fired up the magic box and reviewed the lists of draftees. It wasn't as good as watching but I got the information just the same. I think we may have relied on the computer too much as a substitute for the television, though. I drew the line and didn't watch any television on the computer. Maybe next time we'll have to ban the computer too. In the evenings anyway.

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